Monday, July 30, 2018

I want to be the only hand you ever need to hold.

I want to be the only hand you ever need  to hold. 

Your are my happily ever after.

You are..... My happily ever. My soul mate. My bestfriend. My dream come true. My one and only. My shoulder to lean on. My everything. My anchor. My life. My love.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

I am new here.

I am new here. To this self love. To this whole love. To this not changing for anyone, not apologizing to anyone, sort of kind and pure love. And I am never leaving.
// my heart is overflowing

Alison Malee

Be fearless!

Be fearless when it comes to life, and careless when it comes to what people say and think about you.

Before is over.

Today I saw you. And it wasn't like before. Before is over, before cannot ever came back. We're in the present now where we pretend that "us" had never even existed.

She lit a cigarette with bundles of tears.

She lit a cigarette with bundles of tears racing down her cheeks, and after her lips somehow found the strength to stretch into a smile, I thought to myself; "Sometimes, when chaos burns like wildfires around us: we have no other choice but to fall in love with the warmth."
-Christopher Poindexter

I'm in this for the relationship.

I'd pick a guys's old hoodie over a new piece of jewelry. I'd pick cuddling in my bed all night over a nice, fancy dinner. I'd pick a cute goodnight text over a bouquet of flowers.
I'm in this for the relationship, not the materials.

I loved to sleep....

I loved to sleep with the windows open. Rainy nights were the best of all: I would open my windows and put my head on my pillow and close my eyes and feel the wind on my face and listen to the tress sway and creek.
- Neil Gaiman

But it was 4am.

I promised myself I wouldn't fall in love with you. But it was 4am, and we were laughing way too hard, and I felt so happy for the first time in a long time, and I knew I was screwed.

It's fierce!

I don't love casually. When I love it's fierce. It's my soul ripped wide open and raw. It's my whole heart on display. It's all I have and everything I know, handed over to you like a gift. And I hope you unwrap it gently.

No wonder.

After all of the rain you have endured, it's no wonder that the light that shines within you beautiful soul created such a breathtaking rainbow.

I love handwritten letters.

I love handwritten letters. The way the words get jumbled up when the writer's excited. The way the words get neat when the writer is trying not to make a mistake. The way the words get pretty because the writer's in love. I love handwritten letter.

She's a badass with a good heart.

She's badass with a good heart, soft but strong. Unapologetic and honest. She's the type of women you go to war beside, the type of woman you marry.
-R.h. Sin

To love is a choice.

I want to believe that to love is a choice. For when I glanced at you for the first time, I had all the chance to look away. But I chose to look a second longer and there my world has alienated every single concept that I knew about choice.

I'm always soft for you, that's the problem.

I'm always soft for you, that's the problem. You could come knocking on my door five years from now and I would open my arms wider and say 'come here, it's been too long, it felt like home with you.

Stay away from people who can't take responsibility.

Stay away from people who can't take responsibility for their actions and who make you feel bad for being angry at them when they do you wrong.

She WAS a forgiver.

She was a forgiver. Her heart was so large, she didn't know how to give up on people, because she always believed the good in those she loved. It was until she was walked on so many times, she had no choice but to let go of those who burned holes in her heart.

I learned not to trust people.

I learned no to trust people; I learned not to believe what they say but to watch what they do; I learned to suspect that anyone and everyone is capable of''Living a Lie'. I came to believe that other people - even when you think you know them well - are ultimately unknowable.

You can't control someone's loyalty.

Life has taught me that you can't control someone's loyalty. No matter how good you are to them, doesn't mean they'll treat you the same. No matter how much they mean to you, doesn't mean they'll value you the same. Sometimes the people you love the most, turn out to be the people you can trust the least. -Trent Shelton

When you give your all to someone.

I think what hurts the most is when you give you all to someone. Through think and thin, you're there for them. You stick with them, no matter what.
Then one day they just give up. They won't even fight for you. The one thing you would never have done, they did with no hesitation.
-Word Porn

Turn out to be just like what everyone said.

Such a disappointment when you defend someone for so long thinking they are different and they turn out to be just like what everyone said.

Never let a person get comfortable disrespecting you.

The more chances you give someone the less respect they'll start to have for you. They'll begin to ignore the standards that you've set because they'll know another chance will always be given. They're not afraid to lose you because they know no matter what you won't walk away. They get comfortable with depending on your forgiveness. Never let a person get comfortable disrespecting you.

Don't let someone.

Don't let someone who did you wrong make you think there's something wrong with you. Don't devalue yourself because they didn't value you. Know your worth even if they don't. 

Why am I blogging quotes?

I actually came up with this quote sharing idea out of me wanting to read books to get inspirational and moral lessons from them but have no time to read that I'd rather use up the time to read my thousand pages medical books-I'm a medical student by the way. So that's how I thought of opting to read 1-few lines of quotes rather than reading hundred pages from inspirational books or random books when anyway, its the lesson that I'm up to. Since I'm constantly dealing with life issues,sometimes had a hard time overcoming them. I grew up with no one to run to or ask as to how and why people act like these and that because everybody in the family seemed to be very busy with their own lives. Plus my father is a war freak type and I guess it is not the right thing to do when dealing situations. I'm learning a lot from quotes. Quotes are not just quotes after all, they are true life stories, emotions, events shortened into few lines that we can learn from and educate ourselves well, both knowledge and attitude/manner. ;) Sometimes, they help me keep up with my sanity.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Beautifully unreachable.

She was the type to fall in love with the moon, and everything that was beautifully unreachable.
-Santi D.P.

Actually teach you.

All the things that hurt  you, actually teach you.

Pero meron akong PANGINOON.

Hindi perpekto ang buhay ko. Pero meron akong PANGINOON na nagpapa-kuntento kung anong meron ako.

Sana ako naman.

Yung feeling na, sana ako naman 'yung hanapin, sana ako naman 'yung kailanganin, sana ako naman 'yung pahalagahan. Sana ako naman.

Baka nawalan na'ko ng pagmamahal sa'yo.

Kapag hindi na kita pinagbawalan sa mga ginagawa mo. Kapag nawalan na ako ng pake sa mga pupuntahan mo. Kapag hindi na big deal sa'kin ang mga ka-chat/ka-text mo. Magtaka ka na, baka nawalan na'ko ng pagmamahal sa'yo.

Hard work will never lie to you.

Hard work will never lie to you.


Self-discipline will get you farther than motivation ever will.

Look at you with feelings.

"Why are you sad?" "Because you speak to me in words and I look at you with feelings."
-Leo Tolstoy

Fix you ponytail and try again!

FIX YOUR PONYTAIL and try again.

Do not become attached.

Everything is temporary. Emotions, thoughts, people and scenery. Do not become attached, just flow with it. 

3rd Quotes Chain

Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me.

"When nothing is sure, everything is possible."

If I was meant to be controlled, I would have come with a remote.

There's no market for your emotions, so never advertise and keep it all inside.

Sometimes, the best way to be happy is to learn to let go of things you tried hard to hold on to that are no longer good for you.

Don't be easy to get because you'll be easy to forget.

I've learned more from pain than I could've ever learned from pleasure.

The best revenge is no revenge... Just forget they exist.

True friends accept you exactly as you are.

Happiness comes when we stop complaining about the troubles we have and offer thanks for all the troubles we don't have.

If they weren't good for you in 2017, they won't be great for you in 2018. Let them go.

Patience is when you're supposed to be mad but you choose to undestand.

Don't worry about the people who aren't happy for you. They probably aren't happy for themselves either.

Some days I can't stop thinking about you, and other days I wonder why I'm wasting my time.

Some talk to you in their free time and some free their time to talk to you. Learn the difference.

Everything you're going through is preparing you for what you asked for.

Always trust your instincts, they are messages from you soul.

Exercise not only changes your body. It changes you mind, attitude and mood. This is the power of moving the body.

I learned the hard way that I cannot always count on others to respect my feelings, even if I respect theirs. Being a good person doesn't guarantee that others will be good too. You only have control over yourself and how you choose to be. As for others, you can only choose to accept them or walk away.

Stop chasing the wrong one. The right one won't run.

You can keep apologizing over and over but when your actions don't change, the words are meaningless.

If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.

Sometimes we refuse to see how bad something is until it completely destroys us.

My goal this summer is to just fall back in love with myself and the world and life again.

Stop pointing fingers and placing blame on others. Your life can only change to the degree that you accept responsibility for it.

If you're not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you're determined to learn, no one can stop you.

Once in a lifetime you meet someone that changes everything.

One day the people that didn't believe in you will tell everyone how they met you.

Sometimes you need to walk away. Not to make someone else realize how worthy you are. But for you to understand and acknowledge you own self worth.

Perhaps the problem is not the intensity of your love, but the quality of the people you are loving.

If you're pretty, you're pretty; but the only way to be beautiful is to be loving. Otherwise, it's just "Congratulations about your face."

Sometimes you have to accept the fact that certain things will never go back to how they use to be.

Some days she has no idea how she'll do it. But every single day it still gets done.

Patience with family is love, Patience with others is respect. Patience with self is confidence  and Patience with God is faith.

Everything has changed and yet, I am more me than I've ever been.

A strong woman will automatically stop trying if she feels unwanted. She won't fix it or beg, she'll just walk away!

Never give up on something you really want. It's difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.

You cannot save everyone. Some people are going to destroy themselves no matter how much you try to help them.

When we forgive others, we forgive ourselves. This is the first step in the process of healing.

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.  Be kind. Always.